Ice Climbing

Featured Magazine


Ice Climbing

Ice climbing is an exhilarating and challenging sport that involves ascending frozen formations, such as icefalls and frozen waterfalls. Climbers use specialised equipment, including ice axes, crampons, and ice screws, to make their way up icy walls and cliffs.

The sport demands a combination of strength, technique, and mental focus to navigate the ever-changing ice conditions. Ice climbers carefully pick their way up frozen surfaces, relying on their gear and ice-climbing skills to make progress. The frigid environment and the beauty of ice formations make ice climbing a unique and awe-inspiring adventure for those seeking the thrill of conquering frozen heights.


Ice climbing has its origins in mountaineering and the exploration of icy and alpine environments. It became a distinct discipline in the late 19th and early 20th centuries when climbers began using specialised equipment and techniques to ascend frozen terrain.

In the 1970s and 1980s, ice climbing gained prominence as climbers pushed the boundaries of the sport, tackling more challenging ice formations and establishing difficult routes. Today, ice climbing has evolved into a recognized and popular winter activity, with climbers exploring frozen waterfalls, glaciers, and other icy formations around the world

The sport continues to advance with advancements in gear and techniques, attracting both seasoned climbers and newcomers seeking an adrenaline-pumping winter adventure.


Ice climbing is a challenging and exhilarating sport that involves ascending frozen ice formations using specialised equipment. At the core of ice climbing gear are ice tools, which play a critical role in providing climbers with the necessary grip and stability on the ice.

Ice tools are designed specifically for ice climbing, featuring sharp picks and ergonomic handles. The picks are made of durable and hardened steel, allowing them to effectively penetrate the ice and provide a secure hold. The picks are typically curved or angled to provide better purchase on the ice surface.

The handles of ice tools are designed with ergonomics in mind, providing a comfortable grip for climbers during their ascent. The handles are typically made of materials that offer insulation to prevent hands from freezing in cold temperatures. Some ice tools also feature adjustable or removable grips to accommodate different hand sizes and preferences.

Ice climbers use their ice tools to strike and secure them into the ice formations, creating points of attachment for their hands and feet. With each swing and placement, climbers rely on the stability and reliability of their ice tools to support their weight and facilitate their upward progress.

The design and construction of ice tools have evolved over time, incorporating advancements in materials and engineering to enhance performance and durability. Modern ice tools are often lightweight and feature interchangeable picks, allowing climbers to customise their tools based on the specific ice conditions they encounter.

Having reliable and effective ice tools is essential for ice climbers, as they provide the means to safely navigate and ascend ice formations. These specialised tools enable climbers to engage with the ice surface, maintain control, and execute precise movements throughout their ascent.

With their ice tools in hand, climbers can embark on thrilling ice climbing adventures, exploring frozen waterfalls, glaciers, and other icy landscapes with confidence and skill. The combination of skill, technique, and dependable ice tools allows climbers to conquer the challenges of vertical ice and experience the unique beauty of frozen vertical environments.